curl--request POST \--url \--header'Authorization: Bearer <token>'\--header'Content-Type: application/json'\--data'{
"text": "Other than the ferry ride, the participants would have to run or walk every inch of the course. Most wore a hat to protect their face from the July sun and carried a small backpack with water and other essentials. Some stood with a crew, people who would supply them with necessities along the course. Runners without crews were called “screwed” runners. Among them were the Barcelonas."
curl--request POST \--url \--header'Authorization: Bearer <token>'\--header'Content-Type: application/json'\--data'{
"text": "Other than the ferry ride, the participants would have to run or walk every inch of the course. Most wore a hat to protect their face from the July sun and carried a small backpack with water and other essentials. Some stood with a crew, people who would supply them with necessities along the course. Runners without crews were called “screwed” runners. Among them were the Barcelonas."