Tinq.ai offers various readability metrics in the API.

Each of them has specific use-cases depending on the end-user’s applications.

Here is what each of them means and how they can be interpreted, and used

SMOG (Simple Measure of Gobbledygook) smog

The SMOG grade is a measure of readability that estimates the years of education needed to understand a piece of writing. SMOG is an acronym for "Simple Measure of Gobbledygook".

Learn more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMOG

Flesch–Kincaid readability tests flesch_reading

The Flesch–Kincaid readability tests are readability tests designed to indicate how difficult a passage in English is to understand. There are two tests: the Flesch Reading-Ease, and the Flesch–Kincaid Grade Level.

Learn more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flesch-Kincaid_Readability_Test

Automated readability index ari

The automated readability index (ARI) is a readability test for English texts, designed to gauge the understandability of a text.

Like the Flesch–Kincaid grade level, Gunning fog index, SMOG index, Fry readability formula, and Coleman–Liau index, it produces an approximate representation of the US grade level needed to comprehend the text.

Learn more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automated_Readability_Index

Gunning fog index gunning_fog

The fog index is commonly used to confirm that text can be read easily by the intended audience. Texts for a wide audience generally need a fog index less than 12. Texts requiring near-universal understanding generally need an index less than 8.

Learn more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunning-Fog_Index

Coleman–Liau index

The Coleman–Liau index was designed to be easily calculated mechanically from samples of hard-copy text. Unlike syllable-based readability indices, it does not require that the character content of words be analyzed, only their length in characters.

Therefore, it could be used in conjunction with theoretically simple mechanical scanners that would only need to recognize character, word, and sentence boundaries, removing the need for full optical character recognition or manual keypunching.

Learn more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coleman-Liau_Index

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